Network Resources

This site is a platform for network members to share their work, find opportunities, and collaborate. Read on to find out some of the ways you can contribute.

Share Your Science

We can help you bring your research to larger audiences and promote opportunities, events, and updates. Contact science communications specialist Molly Tankersley to contribute, suggest ideas, or get editorial and design assistance. Here are a few things we can create:

News and Updates: Do you have an upcoming publication? Have you recently given a talk featuring the CRMRN or attended a relevant conference? Are you advertising a postdoc or grad student position, or funding opportunity? Write or send us ideas for a short article for the CRMRN News page.

Field Dispatch Blog: The Field Dispatch blog is a great place to share behind-the-scenes fieldwork stories and photos.

Other Science Communication Support: Graphical abstracts, short videos, and social media outreach are great ways to expand the reach of your science. Many journals now encourage or request these outreach aids. If you are interested in creating a product like this for an upcoming publication or are looking for help and resources, get in touch before publication if possible.

Other Resources

Looking to create your own outreach materials or improve a presentation or poster? Here are some tools that may help:

Free Online Illustration and Design Tools

  • Inkscape: Free vector graphics editor for making diagrams, illustrations, etc.
  • Canva: A design tool for creating easy posters, graphics, and more with drag and drop illustrations, shapes, and text into predesigned templates.
  • AutoDraw: This drawing tool uses machine learning to predict what you are trying to draw and provide graphics from artists instead.
  • IAN at UMES Symbol Library: Download thousands of free science and ecology vector symbols and images. Categories include flora, fauna, ecosystems, human, processes, and more.

Science Communication Guides

  • Sharing Science Guides and Toolkits: Tips for being interviewed, using social media, dejargonizing, and more.
  • Up-Goer Five: Need practice talking about your science to general audiences? This is a fun exercise that only lets you use the ten hundred most used words to describe your work. Of course, you wouldn’t actually limit yourself to that when presenting, but it helps identify where you can remove jargon and speak more directly.